WindowTester Pro 5.0 Released

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Instantiations yesterday announced the release of WindowTester Pro 5.0, a major upgrade to its GUI testing tool adding performance and Linux support to its SWT and Swing testing utility. In addition, a minor upgrade to WindowsBuilder Pro 7.4 and RCP Developer 5.0 were also released.

WindowTester Pro is a GUI testing toolkit that can work on top of Java Swing GUIs or Java SWT applications and build recordable UI scripts for automated testing purposes. The same tool works on both Windows and Linux platforms, allowing an application to be tested under different operating systems. RCP Developer allows Eclipse RCP applications to be quickly created; and uses the same underlying technology as the WindowBuilder companion product. WindowBuilder allows GUI-based development of SWT and Swing applications, and has recently been updated to support GWT 2.0 as well.

Here are the links to the new and noteworthy for each release:


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